
Showing posts from 2006

Preacher bites the dust! Ha!!!!!! His response? THey don't crash and burn better than that!

Another night to write

What do you say to someone who believes (or romanticizes) that their god has abandoned them? WHat do you say when you have no personal relationship with god? I don't spend my time bashing xians on a regular basis (their leaders, sure, but that's an easy target). But everyone who follows a faith is looking for a void they percieve exists in their lives. I think everyone fills a bit of emptiness, and we do what we can to fill it. Some people know what feeling is, and are blessed with the knowledge of how to fufill it. Everyone else feels the void, but they can'''t identify it. They feel a longing. So what happens when we feel the longing that we can't identify? We try to fill the void. We go shopping. We eat. We drink. We pray. We f**k. We cry. We lash out at our loved ones. We dope up. We fight. We go on. Or . . . We just give in to the dispair. I like to think that I'm lucky. I've been married for 12 years to my soulmate, so I completed m...

The being of God (this evening)

God is what you make of it. When I was young and impressionable, I chose to make much of god. When I was ~17, I chose to abandon god and all who would claim to know and walk with him. I have since learned to pity those who claim to be sheperds of men for any deity, and excuse the trespasses of those who would bother me with their beliefs. I felt that, for me, god had died a long time ago. Or, just to be pithy about it, god transended to a state where I no longer dwell on his existance, and he returns the favor. I don't call myself an athiest because of the association; it's like calling yourself a trekkie. Some wear it as a badge of honor. I'm content to say that I enjoy watching Star Trek. Once a brotherhood of sorts has been established in a realm of belief, the members of the group can always find comfort in that brotherhood. My problem is that I reject the brotherhood out of hat - there's always an ideology to the group dynamic that always falls short of c...

BBC NEWS | Europe | Pope Mass ahead of Auschwitz trip

BBC NEWS Europe Pope Mass ahead of Auschwitz trip : "Some Jewish groups have said a German Pope speaking the language of the Nazis would insult the memory of the million Jews murdered there. " Just two things . . . "Some Jewish groups have said a German Pope speaking the language of the Nazis would insult the memory of the million Jews murdered there. " That just sounds like bullshit. It's why liberalism fails - no one wants to even think that their feelings might get hurt. Kinda like getting thrown out of school for using the word 'gun' in a sentence due to 'Zero Tolerance.' Second, no one addresses the irony of a former Hitler Youth being the pope, much less his visiting the world infamous death camp. (The article said that the trip was added to his tour last minute - maybe he left his pocketwatch in a desk somewhere . . . )

BBC NEWS | Americas | US official in child abuse sting

BBC NEWS Americas US official in child abuse sting ERP!!! They're everywhere! The moral majority is looking a bit sticky these days! In the article - "According to a police statement during the course of the internet exchanges Mr Doyle revealed his name and job to the "girl" and even passed on the number of a mobile phone issued by the homeland security department and his office number. " His mug shot appears on the Washington Post web site , and of course, there's a reference to terrorism in there (I love all of the what ifs - how about what if the undercover cop was really your kid instead?!?) Maybe he'll pull a Jimmy Swaggart (I have sinned agianst you, oh LARD!) on camera, and apologize because he was caught. Eeeeewwwww!

BBC NEWS | Americas | Top US evangelist targets Islam

BBC NEWS Americas Top US evangelist targets Islam Oh, am I ever going to get back to this!!!! "[This] just shows the kind of people we're dealing with. These people are crazed fanatics, and I want to say it now: I believe it's motivated by demonic power. It is satanic and it's time we recognize what we're dealing with . . . the goal of Islam, ladies and gentlemen whether you like it or not, is world domination."

Mayor of New Oleans Stricken with Robertson's Syndrome

BBC NEWS Americas US mayor regrets 'God comments' I'm not even going to comment on the 'chocolate' remark - I'm pretty sure that the comment was made in the context of the audience. (Now, if was going to be fair, I would try to compare it in some sense to Trent Lott's comments a while a go, but I wouldn't believe the comparisons anyway.) Said New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin - "Surely God is mad at America. He sent us hurricane after hurricane after hurricane, and it's destroyed and put stress on this country . . . " Well, we all know that 'for God so loved the world, he gave us a bunch of assholes to speak in his name with conflicting messages.' I'm sure that both Robertson Nagin believe themselves 'born again' xians, and on more than one occasion they felt that big G gave them words of encouragement; it's always the publisist that has to tell them that they have their heads in their ass.

Robertson Pisses Undies at Loss of $50 Million Deal - Apologizes

BBC NEWS Middle East US TV host sorry for Sharon slur From BBC Article - "My concern for the future safety of your nation led me to make remarks which I can now view in retrospect as inappropriate and insensitive in light of a national grief experienced because of your father's illness," said Mr Robertson's letter [to Sharon's Son Omri] . He kept flapping those jaws until God fined him $50 Million. Punishment for passing judgement, maybe? Offhand, I would think that taht would be the kind of thing you'd want to leave up to your God. Even the Pope doesn't have the cajones to say that kind of crap out loud in public, and he is 'officially [elected]' 'god's boy'. It might be time to put ole Pat in a home, folks!

Pat Robertson shows true face of Xianity

I read this article this morning - BBC NEWS Middle East Israel punishes US TV evangelist -and was surprised for all of 2 seconds. As Pat Roberson ages, that crusty facade of 'God's Love' flakes off in ever larer pieces. It is refreshing, to some extent, to see that dignity won out over greed for once (sort of) - "We were due to sign a contract in the near future with Mr Roberson for the construction of a new Christian heritage centre in the Galilee," [Tourism Ministry spokesman Ido Hartuv] told the AFP news agency. "We, as the State of Israel, cannot accept what he said and we will not do any business with him or with anyone else who agrees with his view." But Mr Hartuv insisted Israel had not rejected outright the idea of building the centre. "The contract is still open - just not with Mr Robertson." It's certianly no secret how evangelicals feel about Jews (they blame them for the death of Jesus X), it's just nice to see that Ayatoll...