
Showing posts from October, 2006

Another night to write

What do you say to someone who believes (or romanticizes) that their god has abandoned them? WHat do you say when you have no personal relationship with god? I don't spend my time bashing xians on a regular basis (their leaders, sure, but that's an easy target). But everyone who follows a faith is looking for a void they percieve exists in their lives. I think everyone fills a bit of emptiness, and we do what we can to fill it. Some people know what feeling is, and are blessed with the knowledge of how to fufill it. Everyone else feels the void, but they can'''t identify it. They feel a longing. So what happens when we feel the longing that we can't identify? We try to fill the void. We go shopping. We eat. We drink. We pray. We f**k. We cry. We lash out at our loved ones. We dope up. We fight. We go on. Or . . . We just give in to the dispair. I like to think that I'm lucky. I've been married for 12 years to my soulmate, so I completed m...

The being of God (this evening)

God is what you make of it. When I was young and impressionable, I chose to make much of god. When I was ~17, I chose to abandon god and all who would claim to know and walk with him. I have since learned to pity those who claim to be sheperds of men for any deity, and excuse the trespasses of those who would bother me with their beliefs. I felt that, for me, god had died a long time ago. Or, just to be pithy about it, god transended to a state where I no longer dwell on his existance, and he returns the favor. I don't call myself an athiest because of the association; it's like calling yourself a trekkie. Some wear it as a badge of honor. I'm content to say that I enjoy watching Star Trek. Once a brotherhood of sorts has been established in a realm of belief, the members of the group can always find comfort in that brotherhood. My problem is that I reject the brotherhood out of hat - there's always an ideology to the group dynamic that always falls short of c...