Karen Armstrong: 2008 TED Prize wish: Charter for Compassion

This is a speech from the author of History of God. She has a very insightful approach on how people of faith, those without, and everyone in between. As an atheist, she speaks very eloquently about faith and what it should mean.


n2meic said…

Thanks for this. I agree, Karen is insightful and quite an eloquent speaker.

Many thanks......Peace.
Grampa Caligula said…
She has a way with discussing religion that won me over a few years ago. Of course, I'm a also sucker for commentary in an english accent . . .
Anonymous said…
Yes, her English accent is captivating, as well as some of her writings. Years ago, I read her book, "A History of God" and found it to be insightful and historically informative.
n2meic said…
In case it's confusing, I am Anonymous @ 11:38am. Sorry, I forgot to post my name.
Grampa Caligula said…
I read that book as well. I remember reading the chapter a few times when she discussed how the Trinity was reconciled. The first time I read it, I glossed over it and missed the point. After a careful re-reading, it occurred to me that setting a standard of faith is not unlike setting a standard in science: it all ends in a vote.
n2meic said…
Grampa-"it occurred to me that setting a standard of faith is not unlike setting a standard in science: it all ends in a vote."

Yes, I agree. Over the years I have realized that one's faith is both a standard to live by, and a standard to strive for. At least, that is what I have found out 'thus far'.
n2meic said…
Happy Father's Day!

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